Ryan Went

Ryan Went

While serving in the army Ryan discovered the castle of a legendary tattoo wizard. As he approached, he could feel a powerful energy pulsing from within. The heavy wooden doors creaked open, revealing a grand hall filled with clipper ships and dragons. The air was thick with the scent of green soap, and strange buzzing echoed through the halls. He knew he was entering a world of magic and danger. Upon completion of his service and determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the wizard's castle, he returned to his village and sought out an apprenticeship. Proving his worth he was instilled with the magical skills and understanding of the tools and techniques needed to conjure tattoos to blow your socks off!

Tattooing for 12 years now, Ryan focuses mainly on traditional Japanese tattoos. When he's not vanquishing the demons of lame tattoos, he spends his time studying Jiu Jitsu and hugging dogs.

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