Frequently Asked Questions - Microblading




If we haven’t answered your question above please do not hesitate to email or call 207-956-7145.





Touch Ups

Microblading is a two-step process and it is recommended that you schedule your second session 4-6 weeks after your initial appointment. This session is complimentary. The second appointment allows us to see how well your skin retained the ink and fill in any spots that may have faded. We can also darken the color if desired and add depth. The second session is vital in obtaining the desired results.

Additional touch-ups will be charged according to the timeframe from your last appointment.


Results from the microblading procedure may vary. The healing process plays a big role in the final result and is very important that aftercare instructions are followed carefully. The desired outcome is not guaranteed because everyone's skin is different. Additional sessions at an additional cost may be needed to receive the desired results.